310 5th Street
Mosinee, WI 54455
ph: 1-715-301-5471
TRW Automation Past Project List:
Water & Waste Water SCADA system service contract for the past 6 Years.
Upgrade anaerobic digester to aerobic digester and develop new controls.
DESIGN = TRW Automation via AutoCAD Electrical.
PLC = CompactLogix 5370 L3 Controller - Code Developed using TRW Automation Add On’s and TAG Structures.
HMI = Factory Talk View ME - PanelView Plus 7.
MCC = Square D model 6 – all buckets controlled via Ethernet IP with safe off.
BLOWERS = 3ea - Gardner Denver Air Smart Controllers integrated into control scheme.
STARTUP / COMMISIONING = 2 weeks onsite.
Lactose Crystallizers 10 ea 10,000 Gallon Tanks new system.
DESIGN = Not TRW Automation
PLC = Control Logix 5000 L75 Controller – Code Developed for Crystallizers +
HMI = Wonderware – Application was end customer developed
STARTUP / COMMISIONING = 7 weeks onsite. TRW Automation contracted for other area’s while onsite. (CIP, Slurry, Cooling System)
Curd Cooling System (Votaters), New System
DESIGN = Not TRW Automation
PLC = Control Logix L61 – Code Developed using TRW Automation Add On’s and TAG Structures. Integrate into Plants Current System
HMI = Factory Talk View ME
STARTUP / COMMISIONING = FAT performed at customers site. TRW Automation not onsite at end customers location but involved over phone.
HTST Pasteurizer Upgrade new controls
DESIGN = AutoCAD Electrical – UL508 Control Cabinet
PLC = Control Logix L55 Controller – End Customer had used parts from decommissioned systems which were integrated into the new HTST Pasteurizer.
HMI = intellution IFIX. Customer Developed.
STARTUP / COMMISIONING = 1.5 days 21 hour onsite including FDA verification and integration to existing PLC5 and SLC systems. (CIP and Bulk Storage)
Pile Turner - Machine for flipping and/or rotating corrugated board stacks (piles).
DESIGN = AutoCAD Electrical
PLC = SEW Eurodrive PLC with remote IO rack
HMI = SEW Eurodrive HMI
STARTUP / COMMISIONING = 5 Day FAT at customer location.
Pick & Stack - Machine to Pick and Stack multiple die cut cards after vacuum stripped waste card material away from product sheet. Process performed per sheet and when die cutter was running full speed approximately 1 sheet per second.
DESIGN = AutoCAD Electrical
PLC = Compact Logix
HMI = Maple Systems
STARTUP / COMMISIONING = 3 Day FAT at customer location. 1 day SAT at end customers location.
OUR Engineering Staff has a diverse past of providing automation for different process and industries. Following is a small list of projects.
Sucrose Delivery System (HEINZ)
Batch Blend / HTST Pasteurizer (Sweet Harvest Foods)
CIP System turkey processing line (Sara Lee)
Margarine Batch Blend (Ventura Foods)
Cooker (Sargento)
Yeast Processing System (Provesta)
Parmesan Conveyor Reline System (Kraft) Powder Tote conveyor line with pallatizer (Grassland) Aluminum Extrusion Press Upgrade (Crystal Finishing)
Areobell Paint System with vision system. Class 1 Div 1 area. Vision system outside class 1 div 1 area and parts tracted on conveyor Paint color switched and only paint racks with part were painted with AreoBell (Crystal Finishing)
XY table with 8 router heads for cuts to materials. Fully programmable via HMI. (Crystal Finishing)
30 station Spray Booth, Oven and sanding controls for Lockheed Martin. (Global Finishing Solutions)
Copyright 2012 TRW Automation. All rights reserved.
310 5th Street
Mosinee, WI 54455
ph: 1-715-301-5471